
Presentism In Thomas Jefferson

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The United States, a developing nation, remained under the influence of idealism and paradox for a period of time, and thus were incapable of being self-sufficient enough to run a country on their own. They relied on England to protect them and practically run the colonies from overseas. Subsequently, America joined the family of nations that preaches men are created to be equal. This notion is expressed in Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence. Though in the past Jefferson was seen as the greatest founder of the United States, today his more unknown attributes in the nation have come to be a topic of discussion, making a debatable conversation about the concept of presentism arise. Today, Thomas Jefferson is examined and evaluated from many different perspectives of his career during his lifetime in both adequate and deficient aspects, arousing the question if founding fathers, like Jefferson, should be remembered for their highest achievements, or for their individual failures and how the concept of presentism disarrays these outlooks. Born in 1743, Thomas Jefferson lived and breathed an age of slavery in America, which greatly impacted his life choices. The question, “How could this man possess such a number of slaves if he himself was working for a nation of abolishment?” arises due to the concept today of presentism. Presentism is defined as having an opinion of the past which is heavily influenced by the attitudes and experiences of the present day. Hence,

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