
Pride In A Good Man Is Hard To Find

Good Essays

The Humbling of Prideful Women

It has been said that God will humble those who refuse to humble themselves. This certainly seems to be the case for protagonists in the short Stories “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor and “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant. “The Necklace” tells the story of Mathilde, a French woman living in the early 1900s, whose pride drives her insatiable materialistic nature and transforms her into her own antagonist through a journey of self-destruction. “A Good Man is Hard to Find” introduces us to a Southern Grandmother whose prideful nature ultimately proves to be her fatal flaw during an encounter with the antagonist known as “The Misfit”. Despite the vastly different settings and events of these …show more content…

After lying and manipulating her family to take a detour, then failing to own up to her mistake, her smuggled cat causes an accident landing the family in a gulch on the side of the road. It is here that the grandmother’s antagonist appears as a possible savior to the family’s predicament. The grandmother’s pride, however, causes her to shriek stating, “You’re The Misfit…I recognized you at once” (O’Connor para. 82), and with these words, the family’s fate is sealed. The grandmother, however, does not realize this and continues to plead with The Misfit. She states she knows he is a good man and that he does not look like he has common blood. Even as The Misfit proceeds to murder her family members one by one, the grandmother continues to plead for her life resorting to every tactic that comes to mind. Finally, the grandmother states, “Why you’re one of my babies. You’re one of my own children” (O’Connor para. 137) and “The Misfit” shoots her three times in the chest. The grandmother saw herself as a good lady but the misfit brings her reality into focus when he states, “She would have been a good woman if it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life” (O’Connor para. 141). In the end, the grandmother was not the lady she proclaimed herself to be and the price of her pride was paid by her life and the lives of her …show more content…

The grandmother’s pride, however, demanded a much higher price and while she professed to be a good lady, it ultimately cost her and her family their lives. Pride can cause people to behave in strange ways. For some, pride manifests as an insatiable greed causing the individual to go to great extremes to acquire anything they feel will make them feel good or cause envy in others. Other people consumed by pride fall victim to self-delusion convincing themselves they are superior to those around them. Regardless of its manifestation, however, those who are prideful and refuse to humble themselves will one day find themselves humbled by forces beyond their

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