
Pride In The Cask Of Amontillado

Decent Essays

Pride is one of mankind’s greatest sin. Sin has been the demise of numerous individuals, including Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Edgar Allan Poe is among the world’s most famous of short story authors, known for writing dramatic, dark, and thrilling plots. In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story, “The Cask of Amontillado,” pride is the sin that both the protagonist and antagonist, Montresor and Fortunato, commit. The plot of “The Cask of Amontillado is a relatively straightforward one. In the short story, narrator Montresor intends to seek out revenge against a long-time foe named Fortunato, “THE thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge” (Poe). Montresor states that Fortunato …show more content…

Any reader can gather from the story that he is proud of his family’s name, and Montresor even tells Fortunato, “The Montresors were a great and numerous family" (Poe). Montresor also gloats about his extensive knowledge of wine, “I was skillful in the Italian vintages myself, and bought largely whenever I could” (Poe). It is Montresor’s pride in his family and name that when Fortunato insults his name, he is angered and he sets out to seek revenge upon him. Montresor’s family motto is “Nemo me impune lacessit,” which means that no one can assail his family with impunity (Poe). He uses his family motto as a sort of inspiration for revenge against Fortunato, “Montresor intends to seek vengeance in support of his family motto” (Womack). In the narration, Montresor states, “I must not only punish but punish with impunity,” meaning he will make Fortunato pay for all the wrong he has done him. Although the narrator intends to portray to readers that his murderous intentions are honorable, readers can only perceive the sinister and vengeful motives of narrator Montresor. As Montresor plots the murder of Fortunato, he does so with cruelty and mercilessness. He betrays his old friend, and he desires the termination of

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