
Essay On Gender Roles In Jane Austen's Pride And Prejudice

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In Jane Austen’s England, British heritage, it was said that “we certainly know the world of the English late 18th century and the Regency beginning the 1800s was very different from our own. Her novels of love and social manners in the Regency gentry are loved because of her brilliant use of language and her savvy insight into human motivation and relationships.” (1) The book, “Pride and Prejudice,” by Jane Austen takes place in England around the 1800s.The setting itself is what sets the mood, tone, and emotions in which is displayed within each character. During this historical time period, women had limited roles. Roles in terms of abilities to interact socially with others. Jane’s motive to have written these stories is to portray …show more content…

Most of the characters in the story marry some point in the book. Property inheritance in the book, Pride and Prejudice, becomes a major factor between the relationships between the two families. Mr. Bennett failed to see and search for an intelligent wife. Mrs. Bennet had limited morals, social position, dignity, and lacked caring for her husband and kids. The main two characters, Elizabeth and Darcy, are both trying to find love. But, Elizabeth (protagonist) wants someone special. She describes it as the complete opposite of Darcy. Darcy (antagonist) isn't necessarily a bad guy, he’s just arrogant and prideful. Elizabeth is just prejudice against people like Darcy. This book was originally named, First Impressions, because of that very reason. As soon as Elizabeth officially got to know and understand Darcy her opinions towards him changed. Which later falls in love with Mr. Darcy and marries him.

Darcy is a Byronic hero; he is very arrogant, intelligent, and sensitive. He also has a disfavor for social settings and struggles with integrity.They become extremely passionate with values better than others; therefore, arrogant. Mr. Darcy is a strong minded character that reveal mistakes; even though, their heavily extravagant and lavish. Byronic heroes are usually men and are considered attractive, giving them a sense of intelligence, sensitivity, moodiness, and charm.

Mr. Darcy portrays

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