
Primary Care Leader Benefits From Ahrq Essay

Decent Essays


Primary Care Leader Benefits From AHRQ-Seeded Health Information Exchange

I was not the least bit surprised at how many case studies there were on the AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality) website on funding of health information technology. I really believe that this technology is the future for health care, there are many benefits to this change. The case study that stood out the most to me while I did my research on the AHRQ website was titled “Primary Care Leader Benefits From AHRQ-Seeded Health Information Exchange” this article stood out to me at first glance. As I said before health information technology is the future of health care if all organizations can get the funding they can all reap the benefits that …show more content…

The use of the use of this model has done beyond of what is expected including the immediate exchange of health information, sending secure immediate alerts, reduce costly services, as well as reducing errors. Lastly the most important part of using the model would of course have to be the better patient centered care.

Colorado Health Information Exchange Made Possible by AHRQ Contract

The main reason institutions are switching to the new technology of exchanging health information is specifically to reduce costs and help improve health care quality. In this case study that is what San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center wanted exactly, to effortlessly exchange patient’s medical information. San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center which is a rural hospital in Alamosa Colorado is one of the many hospitals and providers that can benefit from this change. In 2004 AHRQ signed a contract to the University of Colorado Health and sciences Center, which later on developed a point-of-care inquiry system for four healthcare organizations in the Denver region. The system allowed emergency room clinicians within the four locations to exchange medical data. They were able to sufficiently and rapidly retrieve and send patient medical histories, x-rays, medication lists, and all problem lists. The AHRQ contract also help started the development of the

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