
Prison Reinforcement Analysis

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The Federal Bureau of Prison; as of February, 2010, recorded a growing number of 95,165 nonviolent drug offenders incarcerated in a single month (Federal Bureau of Prisons 2015). Currently those punished for drug offenses are not receiving the effective recovery assistance needed to be successfully placed back in the community without relapse. Negative reinforcement like prison time, will not work for nonviolent offenders. Rehabilitation and treatment provides better recidivism rates, allow the offender to lead a more productive life, and prove to be financially cost effective to tax payers. Re-entry Rehabilitation will be beneficial to lowering recidivism rates among criminals with nonviolent felonious charges; of course not every felon …show more content…

With these new skills it will help offenders figure out exactly why they choose to repeat the offense. Sending offenders to prison without proper mental help will allow the person to make further connections with offenders in their same position and is likely to cause the person to leave prison with a high chance of re-offending after they are released. These nonviolent criminals are less harm to the society, but more self-conflicted. Most of these offenders are unsure how to lead a productive life without the proper recovery tools that can be offered in a rehabilitation …show more content…

Studies have shown that the cost of incarceration for a nonviolent drug offender is roughly 27,000 dollars per year. The cost per year for treatment is 4,500 dollars. These amount may vary depending on the specific state, but as you can see this is a 22,500 dollar savings per offender. The money saved by the states after placing these offenders in treatment can be utilized for things needed in the community. This would be a way to use taxpayer’s money more

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