
Professional Athletes Paid

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Are Professional Athletes Paid too much?
According to, Boxer Floyd Mayweather receives an annual salary of $105 million. That makes him the highest paid athlete in the world.(Forbes) Is this amount to high? Is it to low? Professional athletes are among the highest paid individuals in the world. While the money that athletes receive comes from different sources it is all fan based profits. For an individual to buy a typical National Football League jersey it will cost $85.( Athletes may provide entertainment, and leadership. Although athletes provide benefits they also set bad examples to young children, and they receive more compensation than the people defending our freedom.
The biggest industry in the United States is the …show more content…

With players as big as Dez Bryant, Brett Favre, Peyton Manning, Blake Griffin, and Dirk Nowitzki how could a young simple minded child not see them as a hero. Sports provide key dynamics when it comes to the augmentation of communal principles by enhancing the physical and mental well-being of individuals and the integration of social classes. This is a good example of how sports positively affects the mind and body.( The leadership skills possessed by the individuals in “the game” whichever game it may be whether football, baseball, basketball, or soccer. The athletes that play the game do not realize the role they can and do play in the lives of the many young children that sit and watch them play each week. The children always dream of one day meeting their hero, the superstar athlete they see on television. What they do not realize is that the athlete does not care to meet their fans, they play the game for money. By them playing the game for money they abuse the power of it. A typical athlete will spend the large majority of their money on material possessions rather than saving it for retirement or if they get hurt.
The same athletes that set a good role for children are the exact same ones that do things to get them suspended. Involuntarily teaching domestic abuse through actions has been the case with Adrian Peterson, Ray Rice, Greg Hardy, and Jonathon Dwyer. These four …show more content…

Sometimes not even getting to return home for the holidays, the birth of their children, birthdays, anniversaries. They miss it, all of it. Despite the fact that they have to miss all of this they are the most humble, trustworthy people in the United States. The base pay for an active duty Army recruit is $18,378.( While a player on the practice squad on an NFL team is a minimum of $6,300, but they can only be on the same NFL practice squad for two years. Additionally the team has unrestricted boundaries on how much they can pay a player on the practice squad.( As children we are encouraged to play and have fun, but we never received financial compensation for it. So as adults playing a game should they be paid? Should they be paid substantially higher amounts than the people that risk their lives every single day that allow us to play the

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