The three most important aspects of professionalism for a substitute is appearance, commitment to the students, and commitment to the profession. I listed appearance first because first impressions of how you dress are the most important to go with. Not only does dressing help give a first impression, your attitude toward showing that you care for the students and profession give a lot to say about how professional you are. Having commitment to the students mean showing them that you are there for them and their safety, and to show the students their potential as a worthy member of society. Showing your commitment toward your profession means you are investing time in the profession and not making false statements of your related competency
For the cultural immersion project, I decided to study Hispanics because they have a very rich, diverse culture, and I enjoy listening to their music. Also, I felt like this group of people deals with many stereotypes, especially with the media portraying negative images of countries like Mexico. Initially, I felt that this culture would be very bold and outgoing. I assumed that they placed a higher value on relationships and hard work rather than education. In order to observe them, I went to the Fiesta Market in Bolingbrook. First, I observed the workers. They would lift crates and boxes without any hassles. While working, they seemed to cooperate well as a team. The workers seemed to enjoy engaging in interpersonal communication as compared
The assigned case study displays the sad reality of what has/will go on in the field of health care. In this case there are a number of issues not being corrected all from a lack of handling on the management side. The text Professionalism in Health Care: A Primer for Career Successes provides an outlet of ideas that resonate with the case study as a whole. The assigned chapters demonstrate why Hubert is going through these hardships and in many ways shows ageism as the byproduct of what is going on. Additionally, the chapters assigned provide management solutions in eliminating these workplace problems and show the reader how to cultivate a work environment that benefits everyone.
“Gracious Professionalism” to me is to show respect and an uplifting attitude towards everyone even when it is not easy. I believe we can all show respect to others who also respect and agrees with us, but when we show respect and lift up the people who are not respecting or agreeing with us, that is showing “Gracious Professionalism.” For example, when I played basketball for many years I came in contact with many refs, bad team mates, and bad coaches. When these individuals around me would disrespect or try to bring me down I had a choice to do the same back, or show “Gracious Professionalism” by trying to lift them up. Every situation creates a chance to show “Gracious Professionalism”, we just have to create an uplifting and respectful
Professionalism in nursing is a key component to have. The nurse that exhibits professionalism can go far in a career. As nurses identify strengths and weaknesses, careers can change for the better. The strengths that I see in myself are optimism, good listener, and quick learner. When I think about who I am as a nurse, I don’t focus on tasks and to do lists. Although skills are important for patient care, there are psychosocial aspects that should be addressed.
Avis et al (2010) state that historically, only occupations such as Doctors, Solicitors, the Clergy and Bank Managers were worthy of the title of being called a “Professional”. However they go on to say that this has changed over time to the point whereby much more diverse groups are describing themselves within the category of being professional to the point that the term becomes meaningless. That said, they do agree that a professional should hold a set of specific skills and knowledge that are gained through a certain amount of training and “should be used for the benefit of society”. Teachers, lecturers and trainers clearly fit within this remit. Scales (2008) lists professionalism as one of the traits of an effective teacher. He goes on the say that professionalism is multi-faceted, citing the way teachers behave, look, the way interact with their students, how they talk and how they prepare and plan their work all form what he believes makes a professional.
Propaganda is the specialty of influencing others to your side of the story as the right way of thinking. The propaganda forms used in today’s society end up treating people as a means rather an end. Basically, it looks at people today, as being incapable of making wise choices and researching out the matter fully. Propaganda is unavoidable and it is all over in places such as social media, newspapers, television and advertisements. In addition, the feelings that individuals have toward the activities that are taking place constantly change contingent upon their own perspective. However, being inundated with influential thoughts of outside sources on a continued basis ultimately leads to the point where the individual being used stops scrutinizing the
The first element of professionalism involved in this case is clinician-patient relationship. Gerry is probably worried that if he tells Sean of the information that Sean may become upset at him for believing such a thing and could hurt their relationship. It could also hurt his trust for Gerry if it turns out to be false, or if Gerry doesn’t tell him and it turns out to be true and Sean discovers that Gerry knew. The second element of professionalism would be collegial relationships. Gerry will have to grow relationships with other healthcare professionals in order to get more factual information on the issue if allowed or possible. He could also seek advice from team counselors to determine the best way to go about the issue and how to talk
Believe it or not a lot of individuals do not know how to become and maintain being professional. This is a perfect to quote "lead by example", be an example for others to learn from you and you could always learn from others. If you are not learning something every day you are wasting your own time. Its always a perfect time to learn and today I learned about professionalism. From a bit of research through internet and a few friends, and also from what I know and have experienced from day to day. A lot of issues I have been through could of been solved by just using some professionalism, for example, thinking before I reacted to certain situations and conversations. Always carry yourself professional and people will think much more highly about you and the way they percieve you.
•After being away from Egypt for 40 years, Moses came back, because god freed us, Israelites, using Moses. Now that we are free, we are praising God. Oh No! Someone just looked behind us and saw Pharaoh’s army pursuing us, trying to take us captive again! What is Moses doing? He prayed and God spoke to him and told him what to do. Moses just lifted his staff over the Red Sea and the water is parting - now there is a path with no mud puddles. The path is completely dry. Quickly, all of us Israelites crossed the sea. After we crossed the sea, the Egyptians followed us. When all of the Egyptians were on the path in the sea, Moses, who was directed by, God, lifted his staff over the sea again and the water came crashing down on top of
Professionalism is the competence expected of an individual to properly execute given tasks. In dance, it is important to introduce respect, organization, and focus as the essentials of a performer. Establishing professional methods in class will assist others in distinguishing your dedication and commitment to the artform. Practicing professionalism in daily performance leads to improved performance in the future because of repetitive conduct during classes. If a dancer consistently puts forth the effort to work hard and focus in class, they are more likely to adopt these concepts into their everyday lifestyle and develop their talent more. Famous ballerinas such as Misty Copeland and Tamara Rojo have led successful careers in the world of
Professionalism in the workplace, is the absolute key to having a successful, and smoothly run business. Professionalism is something that must be maintained by every individual within the work setting, especially in health care, whether it is the janitor, activity director, nursing assistant, doctor, or even the head administrator. Professionalism encompasses many aspects, such as teamwork, attitude, environment, knowledge, morals, and ethics.
Excellence in writing has been recognised as the motto in every intellectually engaged works I have been privileged to publish over time.
While she had worked for a year, she steadily collected her careers and experiences on her profile and she also took several certificate exams to write on her profile what she got on several parts of exams for her future job interview, application, or resume of company she wants to employ. At this point, people in these days and she tend to be expected to brand themselves under engaging in disciplinary control and this phenomenon could be “personal branding” so their ideal professionalism toward the occupations is not real and they are more likely to accumulate their activities and achievements to display superficially what they have done for the jobs or works they want to employ. According to the article, Professionalism as proxy for business
In this paper, I would like to begin with my understanding of professionalism. When thinking of a profession, the first occupation that pops up in my mind is lawyers. The reason is because my projected image of lawyers is that they process specific legal knowledge, which most people do not have. So I think the first element of a profession is to gain a particular area of knowledge, usually through higher education. Professionals initially distinguish themselves among the others by being able to absorb complex and sometimes abstract concepts. Most professions require licenses and certificates, which further distinguish themselves. After having the technical knowledge, a true professional also needs relevant practical experience to demonstrate the application of his knowledge and skills.
Professionalism can be defined as “the conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.”(Merriam-webster) My interpretation of this definition is that professionalism is a standard that we must hold ourselves accountable to in order to provide the best service. How do we get from a basic understanding of this definition, to practicing and applying professionalism? Major attributes that lead to professionalism can include accountability, communication and reflective practice. Reflective practice in the healthcare system is when “practitioners engage in a continuous cycle of self-observation and self evaluation in order to understand their own actions and the reactions they prompt in themselves” (becoming a better university teacher…). In the day-to-day life, everyone performs a type of reflection whether it is by unconscious thought or by habit. When it is unintentional it is hard to learn and grow from the knowledge that can potentially be gained. Therefore we need to find a way to effectively incorporate reflective practice into our daily lives, especially as radiation therapy students.