Near the end of Fight Club, Tyler and the narrator form a group called Project Mayhem, a group of highly trained, well disciplined men that are hell bent on the destruction of Western Civilization. A real life Project Mayhem does not need to be a symbolic grand show of force. It does not take such talent and dedication to destroy millions, if not billions of American infrastructure. A team of half a dozen men with no military or private training could easily disrupt the lives of everyday Americans with a little bit of coordination. To start, all that one would need to do to destroy a line of fiber optic cable would be to dig it up and bend it until it cracks. That would destroy about a mile and a half of cable. Then, the power company would
The 8th Amendment has protected us against many unusual punishments and can be seen in Waters-Pierce Oil Co. VS Texas, Weems VS the United States, and Gregg Vs Georgia. In the first case, a company was sentenced to a penalty of revocation and a fine of over $1.6 million, violating the amendments. This case settled a general standard for judging whether the fine was unusual or excessive. The next case, Paula Weems was punished with 15 years of hard labor prison, loss of all political rights in prison, permanent surveillance after release and a fine of 4000 pesetas. The effect of the 8th amendment helped this case to establish the “Principle of proportionality” when the punishment was being handed down. In the third case, Troy Gregg was found
In his book, Carnage and Culture, Victor Davis Hanson, a military historian and professor at California State University, reasons that the west and its armies have been the most lethal and effective force in the world because of the inseparability between armies and their cultures. He illustrates the cultural superiority of the west by explaining the tenets of western society (freedom, citizenship, right to property, capitalism, and individualism) and applies them to nine landmark battles in which the west take part. Hanson uses “the term ‘Western’ to refer to the culture of classical antiquity that arose in Greece and Rome; survived the collapse of the Roman Empire; spread to western and northern Europe; then during the great periods of exploration and colonization of the fifteenth through nineteenth centuries expanded to the
For this reason, Pope Loe IX led other church officials in implementing reform efforts that would see ensure that the church could get back its lost power. For this reason, Pope Loe IX gave orders to the Roman Catholic clergy to dismiss the church officials that had taken part in selling church offices, and to renounce their wives (McKay et al., 2014). The orders were essential for ensuring that the church could control the corruption that was becoming rampant in the church. The measures were also essential for sending a message to the secular leaders, which was presumably an indication that they were working on regaining their lost power. After the death of Pope Leo, Gregory VII, Leo’s successor, continued with the reform work based on his ideological foundation (McKay et al., 2014). One of the reforms was the expelling of secular influence within church and the papal institution, which led to the expansion of the papal powers. such reforms solved the problems that the church was facing, which means that they were appropriate for the realization of the predetermined
Christ Hedges, war correspondent and Pulitzer Prize winner, in a chapter titled “The Destruction of Culture” from the book War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning, asserts that in war a state’s interest is in the extermination of discordant peacetime culture. Hedges asserts his claims that war transforms art, writing, and literature, that people, in disbelief of the consequences of war, favor a myth, and that the state manipulates education and media to reinforce their narrative. Meanwhile, he uses first-hand personal experiences and historical evidence to demonstrate these effects of war. Hedge’s goal is to expose that ugly nature of war in contrast to our natural glorification of it in our perceptions of history in order to propel the cause
You provided a thorough explanation of what macrosystem, mesosystem and microsystem are within the health system. You also successfully explained how systems theory can be utilized to examine the microsystem of care and how all levels must take synchronized action in order to address problems and develop the appropriate solutions. This way of thinking is an example of one of the competencies of the Clinical Nurse Leader’s (CNL) role as a clinical outcomes manager.
Humanity refers to the various qualities and characteristics that pertain to humans; it is a virtue that is associated with altruism. Ultimately, the ability to make moral judgements and reasonable choices are what sets humans apart from animals. When people lose their humanity, they may become a danger to themselves and society. In the novel The Wars by Timothy Findley, the brutal nature of warfare poses as an agent of change, forcing its participants to become products of their environment. Robert Ross, the protagonist, enlists in the military as a way of isolating himself from the death of his older sister Rowena. On the battlefield, Robert and his comrades are constantly subjected to extreme violence. This stimulates a dehumanizing process that forces them to depend on animal instinct. Soldiers lose their
The author, Molly Hennessy-Fiske, of the article “From Aleppo, Tales of Hardship and Bloodshed. ' Civilization is gone.'” writes about Aleppo’s dreadful crisis. More specifically, Aleppo, a city in Syria, is under attack by Islamic extremists every day, who are destroying the civilization of Aleppo completely, causing hundreds of deaths, depression, and no shelters where the residents can stay and be safe. For example, one of the interviewees Mohammed Abu Jihad “fears [Hayat Hospital] could be attacked at any moment, especially since the cease-fire ended and Syrian forces began dropping “bunker buster” bombs capable of penetrating below-ground shelters” (Hennesy 2). Since there is no more protection on the grounds of Aleppo, the Syrians created
Perhaps it is a case of minority influence, when a few influence the many. Tyler and the Narrator have held the same viewpoint for a while now, months even, that they do not care about clever art or Swedish furniture, and they are comfortable admitting that they have scars from fighting. With this unwavering view, others start to take notice, and even begin to respect their ideology. They join fight club to become loyal members. After a while, Tyler decides that they have to expand or “move out of the basement,” and hence creates Project Mayhem.
In "Lord of the Flies", William Golding explores the concept of human nature and how easily humans can be tempted to commit evil acts when the person of authority is not able to maintain the peace between others. William Golding explores the conflict between civilization and savagery through characterization. This essay will investigate the characters of Ralph and Jack to get a furthermore understanding of the conflict between civilization and savagery. At first, when the boys arrived on the island they automatically looked for someone who could keep them civilized by having law and order since there weren't any adults among them.
In Civilization and Its Discontents, Sigmund Freud composes essentially to look at the relationship between the individual and society. Through Freud's examination of the relationship, a more profound comprehension of the intricacy of mental life is figured it out. Freud starts to add to the relationship ahead of schedule in the work by portraying the most primitive acknowledge of self and the most primitive acknowledge of the outside world. He further adds to this relationship through the pondering of sexual yearning and its associations with adoration, which he claims, lead to the arrangement of families and after that later gatherings of humankind that came to include development all in all. Through inquiries raised concerning society, society, history and the self, Freud has the capacity portray a kind of guide of the brain. This guide Freud delineates further empowers him to build up a comprehension of the relationship in the middle of human advancement and the person.
Niall Ferguson’s thesis in his book “Civilization: The West and the Rest,” is to explain and prove why western civilization has exceeded the accomplishments of other nations throughout history up until present day. He attributes this world dominance to six “killer applications” the west had adopted and advanced beyond the means of any other civilizations. These applications were: competition, science, private property, medicine, consumption, and work.
Steven Pinker implied that, “As long as your ideology identifies the main source of the world's ills as a definable group, it opens the world up to the mass murder of people” (1). Steven Pinker revealed an interesting side to the controversial topic of mass murders and the causes of them. He revealed that as long as people in this world believe that they are better than other due to their race, religion, and everything else that defines a group of people as different from another group of people. People are and have been wrongfully treated differently due to the incompetence of some to realize that everyone is equal. They often believe that they were superior to others because of their physical attributes and beliefs that they had. The Holocaust is a major example of the ignorance of some in history. This ignorance often resulted in the murders and mistreatment of many. Elie Wiesel was one of the six million plus people who were wrongfully mistreated during the Holocaust. Many believe that this sort of event could not occur in the current time period because people have become more civilized and tolerable to the differences of others, but sadly the world is not ready to contain a social utopia. The mass murder, and violence that is occurring in Darfur is one of the many things that shows that the world is far from achieving this social utopia. Throughout history, many occurrences of genocide have occurred due to the diversity of people and even though society has evolved
Mass Murder and dehumanization of Jews during World War Two, but why? It’s unclear and we might never know why this event occurred. But we do know that it was terrible, depressing, and dehumanizing.
In a war of mass destruction and huge weaponry, development of the next big offensive device was on the minds of all the leaders involved. Many of these weapons were designed in secret laboratories under the top scientists and physicists in the world. High emphasis and funding put into these designs, the developments flourished. Some of these weapons were unbelievable successes, making their way to the battlefield and meeting all the expectations set by their imaginative creators. Others, however, did not make it any further than the testing unit. Numerous previously unheard of ideas were presented, several being far ahead of their time. This was the cause for some of the weapons failures. Although, these were launching pads for some
Likened to Albert Einstein, Emmy Noether didn’t care for her appearance and rather preferred to be judged on her mental capabilities. She played a pivotal role in the creation of abstract algebra, as well as a collaborator on multiple crucial cases one of which involved equipping a formula to Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. She was eccentric at times, unkempt, didn’t wear the traditional clothing for a woman of her time, and above all else she was brilliant in a time when women’s minds were being suppressed (McGrayne 1993).