
Propaganda During The Cold War

Decent Essays

During the cold war both sides created propaganda intended to increase tension, as seen with the anti-communism propaganda in America which was subtly done through: education; sports; the arts and television. But the government also had a large involvement with the formation of the (USIA), and the covert actions of the CIA. The Soviets military strength display intimidated the west, but the soviets claimed to be peaceful as seen in the Korean and Vietnam wars. The west used these incidents to often portray Russia as brutal with propaganda; it is therefore obvious that propaganda played a leading role in creation of tension during this time period.
Anti-communism propaganda in America was used in every medium such as: in motion pictures such as ‘Red Nightmare’ which was originally an instructional film used to train the military but was later released to the public and depicted US cities reconstructed in soviet unions to train spies to infiltrate American society. Soviet and West espionage was a common theme. ‘Red Planet Mars’ …show more content…

‘Red Dawn’ depicts America being invaded by a combination of Soviet and Cuban forces; ‘Rocky IV’ depicts an American boxer face a robotic like Soviet fighter. All these films were used to create a fear of communism among the American public. (Llewellyn; 2015)
Fear was also created in literature such as George Orwell’s 1984 ‘Animal Farm’ which explains the rise of communism in Russia in the form of animals on a farm, showing how power corrupts. Spy novels grew with the James Bond British series which were written to portray the west as superior, for example in ‘The spy who loved me’ Bond battles with the

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