
Propaganda's Role In World War II

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Propaganda played a major role in World War II that was significantly going to change millions of lives forever. “Propaganda is a soft weapon; hold it in your hands too long, and it will move about like a snake, and strike the other way.” – Jean Anouilh. World War II was the bloodiest and deadliest war that has ever occurred, millions of people had lost their lives, including innocent people and families. Millions of Jews were killed based off their beliefs by Hitler because he felt that anyone who was different from him does not have the right to live. There were over fifty nations that had taken part in this destructive war, this war changed the entire world forever. American’s knew why they were fighting, they were fighting for a purpose, …show more content…

The propaganda masterminds created a strong sense of nationalism, which kept the will to win alive. The propaganda manipulated the people into allowing rationing of food and goods. The United States Office of War Information released posters in which Americans were urged to “Do with less- So They’ll Have Enough” ( Staff). Whenever the military needed more supplies, they would take away certain goods form the citizens. Also, people supported the war by joining the military. Many citizens volunteered themselves into the war because they believed that they were doing the right thing for their country. Propaganda also helped mobilizing the economy from production miracles, civilian defense, to unemployment disappearing ( People stepped up to support the war in so many ways. In conclusion, propaganda helped in so many different ways to support the war, many civilians were so influenced by this that they stepped up for their …show more content…

One way the citizens contributed to the war effort was through purchasing U.S. Government Defense Savings Bonds or “War Bonds”. The citizens also salvaged scrap metals that would later be used to make weapons that the military needed. “In Great Britain, the strains of a massive war effort and severe cutbacks in trade due to enemy naval forces pushed politicians to implement elaborate rationing systems to distribute resources” (Kulshretha). With so many men in the military, millions of women began to fill the empty spots in the workforce. Women worked in factories and made weapons, ammunition, other war materials. In addition to this, women were also in the WASPs and even in Armed Services. People were even encouraged to save fats. The fat was used to make glycerin, which was used to make explosives needed for the war. The propaganda was extremely effective in carrying out the public war

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