
Prophecy: The Tanakh's Role In The Hebrew Bible

Decent Essays

Prophecy is the attestment of God’s word to a certain people- an attestment of forthcoming destruction and/or hope as spoken through a prophet by God. In the Hebrew Bible, the theme of prophecy is exhibited throughout the Nevi’im of the Tanakh. The Tanakh stands as a name for the Hebrew Bible- which is an acronym for the three principal sections better known as the Torah, Nevi’im, and Ketuvim. The root word “Navi” translates to one who is called or one who announces. The prophet's role in the Hebrew Bible is to offer insight to the people of God and offer redemption- through repentance- with the promise of freedom from judgement. Prophets such as Moses, Samuel, and Jonah all played vital roles as God’s vessels of prophecy. The commonality between the prophecies given to each prophet thematically impends knowledge of judgement unto those who refuse to repent. …show more content…

Starting in Exodus 6:6, God reveals to Moses that He will restore freedom to his people- the Israelites- freeing them from under the hand of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. At the time, the Israelites had been the slaves of the Egyptians. For, Pharaoh had “...appointed brutal slave drivers over them, hoping to wear them down with crushing labor” (Ex.1:11, NLT). As a result, when Moses began to prophesy what the Lord revealed to him, the people of Israel refused to listen to Moses because “...they had become too discouraged by the brutality of their slavery”

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