
Pros And Cons Of Assisted Suicide: An Ethical And Moral Dilemma

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Assisted Suicide is an Ethical and Moral Dilemma
The article by Ryan. T Anderson is about Physician-assisted suicide and the problems medical professionals and families run into when prescribing this type of drug to a patient. Ryan Anderson, Ph.D., is the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, and the founder and editor of Public Discourse, the online journal of the Witherspoon Institute of Princeton, New Jersey. Physician-assisted suicide is a drug given by a doctor to assist patients to commit suicide. The patient must request the drug and must be taken by he/her self. Victoria Reggie Kennedy, a woman who protested physician assisted suicide said that the drug will be prescribe with up to one hundred capsules and a doctor should never be able to kill their patients intentionally. Which isn’t necessarily the case. Most doctors will not give a patient one hundred capsules. Kennedy argues, doctors are here to help their patients …show more content…

We should not look down upon a mental illness or anyone suffering but we shouldn’t take the easy way out as Anderson state in the article. As a doctor you sign on to nurture your patients and make sure you are doing everything you can to support the patient so they can have a death by natural causes. As medical professional’s patients are going to you so you can make them feel better and have a long life. By providing this deadly drug to humans it will hurt more than it will help and it will do a lot of damage to this culture. It will essentially change family dynamic and views if they have someone who is disabled or elderly. Overall, Anderson believes we need to have compassion and care for everyone and focus on improving the quality of a person’s life and giving the resources, one needs to do so weather It is curable, chronic or

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