
Pros And Cons Of Both Land O Lakes Vs Wiregrass

Decent Essays

I first heard about IB through a friend from my church, Stephanie Collier. She would always talk about how it was so stressful because there was always a lot of homework. Because of this, I originally did not want to do the IB program. I never had imagined myself doing IB in 8th grade. When Mr. Morgenstein came to John Long to talk about what the program is, I decided that I would take the test, so I had a couple of options for high school. After I got accepted, I then had to figure out whether or not I would go. In order to do that, I figured out all the pros and cons of both Land O’ Lakes and Wiregrass. They both had bad aspects of it, such as driving time or scheduling, but they also both had good aspects, such as distance from my house or college credits. I talked it over with her mom, and she told me that whatever I decided, she would make it work. I talked with Stephanie in order to get a feel for the program, and after this meeting, I decided that I would try the IB program. I told myself at the beginning of the year that I would do at least the full year and then reassess during the summer. …show more content…

After getting my schedule and my locker, my mom helped me figure out where all my classes were on the school map. We walked the route together multiple times until I felt comfortable with my schedule. Because of this, on the first day of school, I wasn’t worried about going from class to class. I had already figured out my schedule, so the only problem I had with the first day of school was finding friends and finding a place to eat

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