
Pros And Cons Of Circle Sentencing

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Finally, we should continuously circle again and again. Every time a circle sentencing does not work, people should keep having circle sentencing because it shows accountability to the community, in which we show a place where behavior has consequences of social and emotional proportions. If the behavior of bullying has paid off, it is likely a person would increase their behavior to get those outcomes and it may also show that the person who continues the harm, has a real skill issue, and needs more support in developing the skill. It can be viewed that conflict is an opportunity, and Circle sentencing takes and makes the best of opportunities for growth and healing. In Circle sentencing, you have all the parties in attendance and you …show more content…

During the 1990s, the emphasis and development of restorative justice perhaps reached its summit when both the federal government and the RCMP outwardly problematized conventional justice on the one hand, while they “championed” restorative justice on the other. Victims have generally expressed their satisfaction after participating in restorative justice programs. Moreover, while conventional justice has been plagued by significant reoffending rates, many scholars have found that restorative programs demonstrate success in this regard. Thus, we essentially have a failed experiment by Canada's leading and national police force on the one hand, but widespread academic support for restorative justice both in Canada and internationally on the …show more content…

Even when they were in remote areas they would still have to face the Justice System for any minor crimes they committed. The justice system would put many aboriginal people in prison and if some of them could not afford bail, they would be held in prison for a day or two until their trial date. There is a high incarceration rate of aboriginal people in prison, but what is worse is that the justice system does nothing to help the aboriginals when they are most vulnerable. The criminal justice system should introduce the different types of restorative justice – i.e. circle sentencing, group meetings - instead of incarcerating the aboriginals because firstly, the community as a whole will feel safe to either go to the cops or come in front of the court house, but also because they would not have to fear the justice system. Secondly, in terms of the community, they start to work together to find a resolution, rather than give all the power to one person to make a decision and this way the communities bonds are stronger than ever before. The community can use techniques such as reintegrated shaming, in which the community welcomes back the “offender” so that they do not feel left out or secluded. Furthermore, when a community works together, a lot can be accomplished such as the rate of crime decreasing and there would be more of a focus on helping

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