
Pros And Cons Of Civil Disobedience

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Each state has its own unique features which allows it to function efficiently with various possible drawbacks. Within the various forms of government, there are two common features that can be noted within every state. An essential feature of a state is the monopolization of physical force and political power. A state can be defined as “a human community that (successfully) claims the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory.” The power to utilize violence is granted by the state to institutions such as the military and the police force. The monopolization of political power allows for the monopolization of physical force. Another vital feature of a state is its obligation to protect the people in its territory. Institutions, such as the military and the police force, use their power to enforce order and protection for civilians. While these features are ideal, they are not always met fully. (political thought pg. 55)
Within political philosophy, there are varying arguments regarding the …show more content…

John Rawls defines civil disobedience as “a public, nonviolent, conscientious yet political art contrary to law usually done with the aim of bringing about a change in the law or policies of the government.” ( political thought pg. 85) Furthermore, Rawls argues that there are three possible conditions where civil disobedience is justified. In the first condition, civil disobedience is justified in cases where the principle of equal liberty and fair equality of opportunity are blatantly violated. It could also be justified when “attempts to have laws repealed have been ignored and legal protests and demonstrations have had no success.” Additionally, if a minority group is justified in participating in civil disobedience, then other minority groups in similar situations are also justified in disobeying the law. (political thought pg.

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