
Pros And Cons Of Drug Addiction

Decent Essays

In America, drug addiction is everywhere. In fact, according to CBS News, more than one in three Americans used opioid painkillers in 2015 alone (Thompson, “1 in 3 Americans Prescribed Opioids”). This number is startlingly high, especially considering the fact that America is in the midst of a heroin epidemic. There have been many proposals on how to lower and treat drug addiction, such as having pharmaceutical companies stop offering monetary incentives for doctors to write prescriptions or jailing non-violent repeat offenders, but sadly nothing has been created and integrated in a way that makes it conducive to those suffering from addiction rather than focusing only on putting the minds of other civilians at ease. In order to treat drug addiction effectively, America must come together as a nation with compassion and empathy, allowing those who are addicted to seek help and safety rather than judgement and harsh treatment. Too often do people look only at the addiction, rather than the larger issue at play- the fact that we refuse to treat sufferers of drug addictions as real human beings who deserve a chance at rehabilitation. Because of this, I believe that drug addiction should be treated as a physical illness through means of comprehensive care, compassion, and rehabilitation programs. If we treat addiction as the serious issue it is, we can help to reduce and possibly even eliminate drug addiction.
The first step to properly treating drug addiction is comprehensive

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