
Pros And Cons Of Mandatory Sentencing

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No matter how many laws are put in place, there will always be crime that occurs in the world we live in today. People should be punished for the crime they commit but sometimes the punishment is very unpractical. Normally in average cases, you have a judge and a jury who go over your case and find whether or not you are guilty of the crime. With mandatory minimum drug sentencing laws now the power is in the prosecutor's hands and if they want you to be charged with the sentence without a question, the judge has no choice but to place you in jail. These laws shift power from the judges and juries to the prosecutors, almost always going in their favor. Certain crimes now have the same punishment no matter who commits them and their circumstances are not put into account. These laws are unfair because people are being sentenced to much time in prison for crimes that should carry less of a sentence. According to a statement by the US Bureau of Justice statistics in June 2000, “the average sentence for murder was 12.4 years, most only served 7.9 years.” This is my problem with the prison and court system, you get charged with more time for committing a crime that is nowhere near as inhumane as murder. It is bad for someone to sell and supply drugs but, you shouldn’t spend a majority of your life behind bars. One problem in mandatory sentencing laws is, they do not reduce crime as well as they are supposed to. One may argue that mandatory minimums actually do

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