
A Rose For Emily Internal Justification

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Although Thomas Jefferson believed that slavery was against the natural state of man, he was a slaveowner, his farm depended on slave labor. As well, Thomas Jefferson fathered six of his slave, Sally Hemings, children, yet he promotes the need for slavery to the extent that his arguments are used as the South’s proslavery defense. While hindsight is always clearer, it is apparent that Thomas Jefferson’s physical and mental evaluations of African Americans were insufficient in justifying the needs for slaves, when that has been disproven, even by the free slaves of that time. “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner allows a murder to occur as a result of absurd justifications through the time. Thomas Jefferson and the characters in “A Rose for Emily” adhere to immoral actions of murder and slavery, that are insufficiently justified through external and internal justifications. Internal justifications allow the person to change the perception of their actions from immoral to moral. It provides a rationale within themselves, that then builds from their search to hold onto their belief. Clearly, internal justifications do not ensure that the justification that is thought up is moral. As a result, there is usually a cognitive dissonance that occurs because the person that attempts to make his negative behavior justifiable is in denial of a known truth. Thomas Jefferson contradicts himself by acknowledging that slavery goes against the natural state of man, yet the backbone of

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