
Pros And Cons Of Solitary Confinement

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The Flaws of Solitary Confinement
Prisons should abolish the morally dubious and wholly ineffective practice of solitary confinement. Solitary confinement is the isolation of a prisoner from the jail population. Inmates in solitary confinement are treated like pups at an animal shelter, except the prisoners aren’t allowed human contact. Although there are some people locked up for awful things like murder and rape, not everyone is a monster and deserving of such cruelty. Most inmates in jail are related one way or another to drugs rather than violence, which is not deserving of solitary confinement. Inmates in solitary confinement typically stay in the dark without human contact for around 22 hours a day, which is literally hell. Plus, to top it off there are multiple studies saying that around half of the inmates will inquire forms of mental illness after solitary confinement. Solitary confinement should be banned from all prisons immediately.
The Justice Department should follow President Obama’s lead and do away with solitary confinement. Recently the dilemma of solitary …show more content…

The report was to develop strategies for reducing the use of this practice throughout our nation’s criminal justice system. Over the past several months, a team of senior officials at the U.S. Department of Justice met regularly to study the issue of solitary confinement—or “restrictive housing,” to use the more general corrections term—and formulate policy solutions. This report is the culmination of the Department’s review (Raemisch 1). Data are from the National Inmate Survey (NIS), 201112, conducted in 233 state and federal prisons and 358 local jails, with a sample of 91,177 inmates nationwide United States. (Department of Justice 1). The Justice Department should really look into the Solitary confinement case and make the best report they can make with the investigation they have

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