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Stem Cell Research
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Pros And Cons in Research
The debate of the pros and cons of stem cell research clearly illustrate the difficult ethics evaluations researchers sometimes must do.
All scientists must consider whether the positive effects from their research are likely to be significantly higher than the negative effects.
What are Stem Cells?
Stem Cells are crucial to develop organisms. They are nonspecialized cells which have the potential to create other types of specific cells, such as blood-, brain-, tissue- or muscle-cells.
Stem cells are in all of our body and lives, but are far more potent in a fetus (also spelled foetus, fœtus, faetus, or fætus) than in an adult body.
Some types of stem cells may be able to create all other cells in the body. Others have the potential to repair or replace damaged tissue or cells.
Embryonic Stem Cells are developed from a female egg after it is fertilized by sperm. The process takes 4-5 days.
Stem Cell Research
What is Stem Cell Research?
Stem cell research is used for investigation of basic cells which develop organisms. The cells are grown in laboratories where tests are carried out to investigate fundamental properties of the cells.
Aborted fetuses are not the only source of stem cells
There are stem cells in the both placenta and blood contained in the placenta. Also the primary
Stem cells are used in treating different diseases because embryonic cells can form into the cell type needed, then those cells replace the ones that were damaged by the disease. They can be used in a bone marrow transplant.
is a stem cell? Well basically they are cells in the human body that exist in a sort of neutral
Embryonic stem cells are found in human blastocysts (Marcovitz 17). A blastocyst is a very young embryo (just a few days old) that contains around 200 undifferentiated stem cells (Marcovitz 17). German Zoologist Valentin Hacker coined the term “stem cell” after he discovered them in a blastocyst of a crustacean (Marcovitz 18). Embryonic stem cells were collected for the first time in 1988 by Dr. James Thomson of University of Wisconsin and by Dr. John Gearheart of Johns Hopkins (Panno 76). These stem cells are unspecialized; they do not perform a specific function like cells such as muscle and nerve do (“Stem Cells”). They are also pluripotent, meaning they have the ability to divide and become specialized cells (“Stem Cells”). This is why stem cells hold so
First of all an understanding of what a stem cell is, where it comes from, and the significance of it's medical potential is essential. Stem cells are the "master cells" that form the human body or whatever other animal it is from. Stem cells can be extracted from adult tissues, bone marrow, umbilical cord blood ( ), and embryos in the blastocyst stage. Although scientists have found ways to manipulate the stem cells from adult sources into other types of cells, they claim that they are less capable of deriving the desired tissue and are not "biologically equivalent" ( ) to stem cells extracted from embryos.
There are multiple ways for stem cells to be obtained such as: Taking the cells from aborted embryos or fetuses, umbilical cords, adult tissues, or artificially creating embryos with a process known as a somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). In this process “the nucleus of an egg is removed and replaced by the nucleus from a mature body cell, like a skin cell” (Arnes). Also known as cloning. However, creating embryos like this do not create stable stem cells. And taking stem cells from umbilical cords has the possibility to transfer unknown genetic disease and “has not yet demonstrated health and
There are a lot of potential uses of stem cells, but there are obstacles that we need to go through first. Stem cells can be used to test new drugs that scientists make. We could generate healthy heart muscle cells with stem cells. Injected cells could repair things in the body by secreting growth factors. Before scientists start
Embryonic stem cells are used to generate new cells of almost any kind though the right stimulation (2008, explorable.com). Stem cell research is used for the investigating basic cells, which can develop into any organ in the body. Then embryonic stem cells are developed from a female egg after
Stem cells are different from normal cells because they don't have a specific type. They can become any cell. Since now a days many organs are in high demand and a matter of life or death for some people, it is important for medical research.
According to Alenzi, “Stem cells are immature, unspecialized cells that their developmental direction has not yet been determined” (19929), and because they do not yet serve any meaningful purpose, stem cells are capable of becoming virtually any specialized cell in the body; they can become nerve cells, blood cells, skin cells, and just about any other cell you can think of.
Stem Cells are recreated into different cell types in the body of early stages in life and development they are unspecified cells that become important cells. Stem cell research includes cells that are able to multiply into various tissues in the body; such as heart tissues, liver and brain tissues. Stem cell research is used in treatments today for cancer, transplants and therapy.
Embryonic stem cells are cells found in the human body that have not yet differentiated, or specialised meaning that they have not yet received the specific instructions to become a specific cell. They can be manipulated to turn into any kind of cell, for example, new skin cells for someone with melanoma. Stem cells are found in the placenta, umbilical blood, fat tissue, bone marrow and mew embryos. Embryonic stem cells have an advantage over the other sources of stem cells because the cells have less exposure to the outside world and are relatively easy to access, in situations like in vitro fertilization.
Firstly, what even are stem cells? Stem cells are cells that can turn into many different types of cells throughout your bedy. Think of it like a mother cell creating endless amounts of children. There are two kinds; pluripotent, ones that can turn into basically every cell in the body, and multipotent, ones that can only for a small number of cells.
A stem cell is defined to be ‘a simple cell in the body that is able to develop into any one of various kinds of cells’ and ‘a cell where all DNA is active’. The body is made up of around two hundred kinds of specialised cells, like muscle, nerve, fat and skin cells. There are two different stem cells, being, embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have the skill to contrast into any cell as they are found in embryos, necessitating to form various cell types in order to create a human. There are only a partial number of adult stem cells as they mature to be the exact same cell agreeing to the tissue in which they are found in.
Stem cells are cells that have the capabilities to develop into many different types of cells in the body. Serving as a type of repair system for the body, they can theoretically divide without limit to take over for other cells for
To begin with, stem cells can establish several different cell types in the human body during the times of early life and growth. Stem cells are unspecialized cells that are capable of renewing themselves through the division of a cell.