
Pros And Cons Of Texting And Driving

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Officials and large companies are doing everything they can to stop drivers from texting and driving. While driving everyone wants to feel safe and not have to worry about other careless drivers. Car accidents happen every couple of seconds and distracted driving is the top reason why. Texting and driving when you have children in the car only sets a bad example for them. Also, texting and driving puts innocent lives at risk. When you drive, you want to be safe, the world would be a better and safer place if people did not text while driving.

People that text and drive probably are not thinking about what could happen. Texting and driving is against the law in some states but in all states it’s pushed to be stopped. “For some states, the fine merely $20, however, in others it can be up to $500,”(Levey, Gabi). Is something such as answering a text message or call really worth wasting money over? Be responsible while driving. Be a good example for children and teens, so that later on they know that texting and driving shouldn’t be done. …show more content…

Car accidents can happen at any time for any reason. “In the time it takes you to tie your shoes, someone somewhere in the U.S. is injured in an auto accident,”(Murray, Maggie). That’s a lot of accidents that can be reduced if drivers would stop texting and driving. Also death, you or someone else could die in an accident. You don’t want innocent lives to be taken because you were on your phone. You could have someone else that’s in the car answer the text or call for you. You could even just wait until you have

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