
Pros And Cons Of The Articles Of Confederation

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After many years under the rule of Britain, in 1775 the Americans began to revolt against Britain. Though, the American colonies were claimed to be under control of British, however colonies were left alone to rule themselves. Americans suddenly revolt was not because the money demand by the British, it was because the “ Americans had grown used to making their own decisions through their elected assemblies” ( Morone & Kersh 61).
After gaining their independence from Great Britain in 1776, the American colonies were struggling to establish a new stable nation. Many plans such as the Articles of Confederation “ which reflected Americans’ recent experience with England, kept the national government weak and dependence on the states (68), were proposed to unify the country as a whole. However, the Articles of Confederation poses many challenges because it gives too much power to the states. As the results, “the states had a difficult time standing up to foreign powers (69), this led to the introduction of the Constitution. In contrast to the Articles of …show more content…

They argue that the Constitution “ stripped political control from citizen” and “ the king looked much like a king” (87). These reasons explain why many Americans were so against the Constitution, they did not want to have a dictatorship government, instead they want a form of government that will allow them to be a part of . On the other hand, the federalists support the idea of central government. The Federalists argue that if more power was given to the states, “ it is difficult to stop the majority from taking advantage of the minority” (88). Therefore, they suggest that the government “ must be organized to protect minorities from the majorities who are going pursue their own self-interest (88). For that reason, the Federalists believe that “ a larger political sphere will always have a great many diverse interests.. With so many different factions, no one interest will not be able dominate

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