
Pros And Cons Of The Aztec Empire

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The 1300’s was not a time of peace for the mesoamerican region. Just Prior to the the time-period of the 1300’s, the Toltecs lost their empire to a vast war along with the Tula and Chichén Itzá. The aftermath of this war left the area unruled for a couple of centuries. The aztecs finally settled down in the area we know today as mexico city, around the time of 1325-1345. This settlement known as the aztec empire ended up being the most powerful of the indian empires of central america; instilling fear in all the regions around them and withholding the reputation of being a ferocious cult waging war against anyone. As the aztecs people settled in, more expressions of art were being seen in jewelry, clothes, structures, statues, ceremonial knives,

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