
Pros And Cons Of The Constitution

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Many of us go about our lives taking many things for granted. One of those things being our freedom. We never stop to ask ourselves, how democratic is our country? If we take a closer look at the origin of our Constitution, our government, and our country we can have a better idea and draw more accurate conclusions to our questions.

Our Constitution was written by the Framers in order to establish a national government and set the basis of laws in our country. This may seem like a democratic action by some, while others view this as an undemocratic and elitist action. The Constitution has many democratic aspects to it as it establishes a Separation of Powers by breaking up the Federal Government into three separate branches in order to prevent the …show more content…

The legislative branch is tasked with making the laws, and is made up of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. Lastly, the Judicial branch which is headed by the Supreme Court and tasked with not only interpreting laws, but also with interpreting the Constitution. The constitution also sets a division of power between the State and Federal Governments, better known as Federalism. "Federalism is a way of organizing a nation so that two or more levels of government have formal authority over the same area and the people." (Edwards pg. 75). This division of power may seem like a democratic action to some, however; the Constitution gives power to the federal law over state law. This is why many believe the Constitution to be undemocratic as the Constitution would give too much power to the Federal Government. This was a major issue when the Framers were creating the Constitution as many of the anti-federalist feared a strong centered Federal Government and favored more powerful local state governments. This was due to many of the anti-federalist being farmers and having more local state connections and power within their states as well as fearing the

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