
Pros And Cons Of Vaccinations

Decent Essays

There are many facts to consider for a new parent when deciding to vaccinate or not. First one would need to consider the benefits of receiving vaccinations, such as the prevention of serious childhood and even adulthood illnesses. These illnesses could lead to other complications such as seizures or even death. Also one would need to consider the side effects such as behavioral issues and even death from receiving vaccinations. It is especially imperative for parents of newborn children to be educated in this decision. This is because without vaccines a newborn child could die from serious illnesses. On the other hand, a newborn child could also die from complications from vaccines as well. In order to make an educated decision whether to vaccinate or not, one would need to weigh out the pros and cons. There are several pros and several cons that will be discussed in more detail in this essay. In order to discuss the pros and cons of vaccinations the following articles will be used, Vaccine Exemptions Must Be Protected and Vaccination Programs Have Reduced the Incidence of Many Diseases. After discussing the pros and cons of vaccinations one should be able to decide whether they are for vaccines or against them. Many parents choose to vaccinate their children from birth, believing the benefits of vaccines outweigh the side effects from the beginning. For example, the slim chance of a vaccination side effect outweighs the almost guaranteed chance of contracting Pertussis.

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