
Pros Of 19th Century Punishment

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Although you may think America’s 19th century punishments were harsh enough, England’s punishments and corrections are by far worse. American’s would “leg iron” criminals, while in England, they would crucify, hang, burn, and hammer nails into their ears. England constables could honestly punish/torture who they wanted for doing the littlest of things. It is believed that 19th century England was corrupt with the was the chose to punish their civilians.
Many people believed that England officials and other people that had power, had too much power. To many American Revolutionists, European criminal law was “stained” and “disgraced.” The amount of punishment they could legally enforce on someone was ridiculous. If one was to commit any crime at all, the constable or any member of the judicial office, they could kill the person committing the crime if the constables felt it was necessary. Just at the beginning of the 19th century, the rate at which people were hanged increased dramatically. The number at which people were hanged rose by around 200 in the 19th century. Some were hanged for treason or murder or any other serious offense. But, in England, a man could be hung for pickpocketing or stealing food. Then again, these were times where people were going through a great deal of poverty, and after it all, the amount of people that were being killed over little petty crimes was causing public unrest. Sir Robert Peel and Lord John Russell helped as much as they could to

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