
Pros and Cons of Censorship in Schools

Decent Essays

“Censorship is the process of suppressing something that is considered objectionable or offensive” (Emert 1). In order for a work to become censored, some authority figure imposes restrictions that establish what would be and would not be allowed to be put in front of the public for people to read. The standards those in authority base their restrictions off of are the standards set by the publishers, producers, and agencies of that work. Censorship is something that affects many people especially in the school system; it normally causes tensions to rise. This is because someone feels that their First Amendment rights have been violated. This most frequently happens in the school system because parents, students, teachers, and or staff find a work offensive in some way and try to get it removed. They bring it to the school board, and if severe enough, the case is brought before a judge in court. In most cases the person or group that tries to get the work censored, loses the case. In some cases, the person trying to censor does win. According to most school boards, they would say that students have their full First Amendment rights, but that is not always the case. When it comes to the Freedom of Expression, most schools find some way to censor, books, and articles especially. Censorship in schools may have pros and cons, but most feel that there are mostly cons, where censoring is a violation of their First Amendment rights. It violates some of the rights that the First

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