
Protestant Reformation : Who And What Impacted The Protestant Reformation

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Protestant Reformation: Who and what impacted the protestant reformation?

The protestant reformation began in the 16th century. This reformation was seen as a counter to the religious authoritative rules set in place by society. Many citizens saw it as a disrespectful threat to the society as a whole, but as the protest began to increase , several people would rise in fame in Europe. The creation of a new Christianity branch of faith would produce a new theology and philosophy within Christianity. The church was forced to defend themselves, using the Counter Reformation. The Reformation had three parts : Lutheran, Reformed and English. There are many influences that impacted the Protestant Reformation that will be discussed in the following. The first major person was Martin Luther. Luther spent most of his younger years being a monk and scholar. During that time the church was practicing the sale of “indulgences” to absolve sin. Due to that corrupt practicing of Christianity, Luther decided to write the “95 Theses” that was published on October 31, 1517.
The “95 Theses” contained some of the following main points:

“When our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ, says "Repent ye," etc., he means that the entire life of the faithful should be a repentance.”
27. “They preach human folly who pretend that as soon as money in the coffer rings a soul from purgatory springs.”
32. “Those who suppose that on account of their letters of indulgence they are sure

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