
Protestant Work Ethic Analysis

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Work hard, save money, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. We have all been told that if we do the right thing, we will be rewarded in the end. The argument for the Protestant work ethic has been conveyed biblically to mean that God has given us all a divine vocation, a set of skills in which to “work in His glory” (“Work: a noble”, 1992). Martin has followed the teachings of Christ by working his entire life, saving strenuously, and wisely investing his dividends. Finally, it has come time for Martin to enjoy the yields of living the right way and his enjoyment has been stolen by various aspects of property law. Kubasek, Brennan, and Browne (2006) explain the two types of property that apply in Martin’s cases, “real property, that is, …show more content…

Andrew, Peter’s son, took out a loan against property that legally he does not own, making the creditors claim against the property void. Samson (n.d.) solidifies this sentiment by stating, “title that was held by the deceased person passes automatically to the surviving joint owners, not to the heirs of the deceased person or their relatives or persons named in his or her Will or Trust” (para. 1). Furthermore, Peter’s son has not stated that he and his father had accrued debt together before his father’s passing. If Peter and his son had taken out a loan together, and later defaulted, their creditors may stake a claim against the property, but this is not the case (Samson, n.d., para. …show more content…

When Martin arrives at his beach front property, he is disturbed to learn that his property is under seizure from the local authorities under the right of eminent domain. Arguing against this appropriation, Martin shall claim that the seizure of his land is not for the public good, rather for the expanse of a private business (Kubasek, Brennan, & Browne, 2006). Olejarski (2015) states, “the principle of tangibility, which requires that direct, tangible benefits to society should outweigh agential or private interests” (p. 370). Moreover, the building of a beach side resort does not innately provide tangible benefits to a community as much as it does for the private interest of a business. Martin has a case against the local government’s abusive definition of eminent domain and should move to dismiss the procurement of his

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