
Aromatherapy Essay

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Aromatherapy is a therapeutic practice that incorporates olfactory stimulation into therapeutic treatment. This form of therapy is seen as a natural technique to heal a person’s mind, body, and soul (Ali et al., 2015). There have been many ancient civilizations that have used this type of complementary and alternative medicine. These civilizations such as Egypt, China, and India have been using oils for over 6,000 years to treat an array of different ailments (Ali et al., 2015). Along with ancient civilizations, there have been over 200 references of the use of oils in the Bible (Perry, N., & Perry, E., 2006). Therapeutic oils have been a part of history and have reemerged into society as a holistic alternative therapy. The therapeutic oils …show more content…

This type of aromatherapy relies mainly on the technique of inhalation. The oils are directly inhaled through diffusion of the oil into the room of the patient. Psycho-aromatherapy therapists believe that the oils can provide relaxation, stimulation, and bring about pleasant memories (Ali et al., 2015). Psychiatric disorders can affect an individual’s daily life. Depression specifically, can affect the cognitive, behavioral, and neurovegetative systems in our bodies (Yim, Ng, Tsang, & Leung, 2009). The conventional approach to treating depression has been reliant on pharmaceutical medications. Complementary and alternative medicines have been looking at the use of essential oils in replace of or alongside conventional medications. Results of the effectiveness of the oils on depression shows that aromatherapy has an alleviation effect on mood (Yim, Ng, Tsang, & Leung, …show more content…

Rosemary has been known to evoke arousing properties. When inhaled, these essential oils can have effects on one’s subjective mood. Rosemary produced a significant increase in alertness and contentedness (Moss, Cook, Wesnes, & Duckett, 2003). Lavender produced a significant decrease in alertness and contentedness (Moss, Cook, Wesnes, & Duckett, 2003).
Peppermint is commonly known to increase alertness and improve performance. Ylang-ylang has been recently assessed and demonstrated a harmony between reducing heart rate and increasing attentiveness (Moss, Hewitt, Moss, & Wesnes, 2008). When inhaled, peppermint produced a significant increase in alertness and a significant decrease in calmness compared to a control (Moss, Hewitt, Moss, & Wesnes, 2008). When inhaled, ylang-ylang produced a decrease in alertness and an increase in calmness compared to a control (Moss, Hewitt, Moss, & Wesnes, 2008).
Orange and lavender have both been used to reduce anxiety and improve mood in various studies. In a dental office setting, orange essential oil produced a significant increase in positive mood and calmness and decreased state anxiety (Lehrner, Marwinski, Lehr, Johren, & Deecke, 2005). Lavender produced a significant increase in positive mood and calmness and decreased state anxiety (Lehrner, Marwinski, Lehr, Johren, & Deecke,

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