
The Psychology Of Sports And Psychodynamic Approach

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Imagine this; you’re 11,000 feet in the air, with a group of trusted friends. You are in the snow and ice, perched on a 70-degree slope, climbing on your hands and feet and repeating this motion over and over. You have an ice ax in your right hand, and nothing in your left. Breathing gets harder and harder as you get higher up in elevation and every step becomes labored. The focus is unbreakable. You are focused only on the next step, and the next handhold. There is a rope that each person on your team is tied into. This gives some a sense of security-others a sense of worry. The rope does not guarantee that if you fall that you will be stopped, but it does increase the chances. It also increases the risk that if you fall you could drag your whole …show more content…

Including, speaking at promotional events and mountaineering expeditions with the rest of the athletes. This job relates to psychology of sport and physical therapy because mental toughness is the name of the game for this sport. The sport is 90 percent mental and the rest is physical. Up on the mountain, you deal with fatigue, fear, doubts and other intense emotions. People that are not mentally tough do not last long in the sport. Focusing deeper on psychology of sport and exercise with group cohesion and leadership. These two subdomains of psychology of sport and exercise go hand and hand. Without a strong leader having a cohesive group would be difficult, and vise-versa. Both subjects are highly important in mountaineering. In fact, success on the mountain depends on it. If you have a strong and cohesive group with a leader that is firm, but fair and trustworthy your odds of success are much greater. With a greater understanding of psychology of sport and exercise, especially group cohesion and leadership, I feel that my future excursions may be more successful. If I am lucky it may even aid me in my future career at The North

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