
Psychopathic And Genetics : A Broken Chain

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Psychopathic & Genetics: A Broken Chain
Christian Washington
South University - Richmond Psychopathic & Genetics: A Broken Chain Psychopathy has been a growing topic in psychology in the past several years. Studies and research wonder what is the cause for this behavior, how does the disorder develop, and how it is linked through genetics. Since psychopathy can be linked to genetic traits these individuals are more dangerous compared to those who are labeled sociopaths. Environmental factors also play a role in the behavior of psychopaths, but in different ways since antisocial tendencies are developed. But the notion that genes play an important role are still being widely accepted and continues to the present day to remain a controversial topic. What is known is the behavior in psychopaths are not just passed down genetically because socialization is a key aspect for psychopathy development, environmental factors play a part in psychopathy, and antisocial behavior is an indicator of psychopathic tendencies. It has been said that psychopaths have been a part of society since the emergence of the human species. Psychiatrist Adolf Guggenbuhl-Craig called them “empty souls”. These are individuals who lack the ordinary connection that binds all of us and lack inhibitions that those connections impose (Kiehl & Hoffman, 2011). They show up in history’s myths and literature. From the bible starting with Cain, to the psychopaths in Shakespeare like Aaron the Moor in

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