
Public Defense System

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Although our federal public defense system is often publicized as the “gold standard” of the public defense systems, it is, unfortunately, providing inadequate representation in far too many cases. Over the past year, the committee, which has been receiving testimony and analyses from experts and legal scholars around the country, has been hearing about these inadequacies and how they must be rectified.2. Excessive caseloads: Public defense caseloads frequently far exceed national standards. For example, national standards limit felony cases to 150 a year per attorney. Felony caseloads of 500, 600, 800 or more are common. A New York Times investigation found defenders with a total caseload of over 1,600 cases annually. Unmanageable caseloads mean that many defenders simply don’t have time to do the most basic tasks, such as talk to their clients or do an investigation. Many individuals get nothing more than a few minutes of their attorney’s time and a hurried guilty plea. …show more content…

Rapping calls it "rewiring" the mindsets of prosecutors, judges, and even public defenders, many of whom "have come to accept that processing people through the system is okay." Dawn Porter, the director of Gideon's Army, a forthcoming HBO documentary about the public defense system, says fixing public defense requires addressing the "culture of indifference" it exemplifies. "The police will know a neighborhood and say this person did 'something.' So they'll charge them with 'something,'" Porter explains. "'So what if so-and-so didn't do this crime, they did something else.' That's not how our justice system is supposed to work. We have to encourage prosecutors, DAs, and judges to actually look at cases rather than just push people through the system and assume they're all guilty and deserving of this. So money helps. But I don't think money is the only answer: You also have to be interested in doing the right

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