
Public School System Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

discusses the reasoningand history behind our public school system in America. In some ways I agree with him; the public school system is in definite need of revamping, while educators are in desperate need of anew system to teach our kids. According to Gatto, the school system in America was meant tocopy the Prussian school system. Regardless of whether or not this is true, I think the biggestquestion should be why we have not done anything to reform the school system? There should beno reason for graduates to feel as if they have wasted the last fifteen years of their life with pointless busy work. The creativity that was once praised has been pushed aside for a curriculumthat is based on “establishing fixed habits of reaction to authority.” Rather than praisingindividualism and innovation, Gatto believes our school system emphasizes the exact opposite,conformity and inanity. …show more content…

Joseph Addison said it best when he said “What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the soul.” Our Nation’s needs and functionality have changed since thedays when the original system was put into

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