
Puritans In Twelfth Night

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Despite what many may think, being called a Puritan is an insult. Malvolio is the head servant in Lady Olivia’s house; he represents the Puritans in the play Twelfth Night. Twelfth Night is a play written by William Shakespeare. It is a comedic play about a girl name Viola, who pretends to be a guy named Cesario, and the love triangle that she is involved in. Malvolio represents the Puritans in the play Twelfth Night because of his need for power, his attitude, and his opinions. The Puritans beliefs are very similar to Malvolio’s. According to Christine Heyrman a professor at the University of Delaware, the puritans want to prohibit all vices. Of these vices include gambling, being drunk, swearing, dressing very showy, and Sabbath-breaking. Sabbath-breaking is when you stop saying the daily prayer. The puritans believed in getting rid of the corrupt and sinful practices that has taken …show more content…

“Marry, sir, sometimes he is kind of puritan” (Shakespeare). Maria said this to Sir Toby and Andrews after Malvolio interrupted their get-together. Malvolio has many characteristics and similar beliefs to the puritans. They both want power. “Just think, I could be Count Malvolio!” (Shakespeare, Twelfth Night) This is part of a little rant that Malvolio had about Sir Toby and how he would love to marry Lady Olivia so he could be the Count of the house. Malvolio is a very self-righteous guy, who wants to climb the social ladder. He does not like the class he is in now because he wants to be in control. This is just like the puritans because they wanted to be in control of the churches and have the power over what was being taught about the word of God. Malvolio hates Sir Toby because he is a drunk. This is similar to how to the puritans want to prohibit all the vices, which include being drunk, along with other things. Malvolio is also a killjoy which is similar to the puritans because they follow the word of God very

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