
Qp's Case Study: Zachariah

Satisfactory Essays

QP met Zachariah and his mother for the first time. QP explained to mom and Zachariah that the purpose of the session is to get to know Zachariah better. QP provided Zachariah and mom a brief explanation of the goals he will be working on and what is expected of him during the sessions. QP asked Zachariah, what are some things he likes to do, when he is not at school. QP asked Zachariah about his grades and behavior at school. QP asked Zachariah about his behavior at home. QP asked Zachariah, what behavior, he thinks he needs to change or work on. QP asked Zachariah about his relationship with his mother. QP asked Zachariah about his communication with his mother. QP asked Zachariah if he has difficulty handling his anger. QP asked Zachariah

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