
Quotes From Orphan Train

Satisfactory Essays

Orphan Train does an exceptional job at showing what Christina Baker Kline was referencing to in her quote. In particular, I thought that Orphan Train was able to effectively give insight into how the way that people tell their stories can give away details about them. In addition to this, I thought that Kline did a wonderful job at showing how trauma works to shape people’s lives. By carefully choosing the words and phrases she used to tell Molly’s story, Kline was able to show how the way that people tell stories can reveal personal information about them. For example, when Molly is having conversations with people, she will often have snarky thoughts that she doesn’t say out loud. These are revealed to us by the narrator, who I assume to be Molly as we’re only ever able to see what she is thinking. These sarcastic thoughts reveal to the reader that Molly has a snippy personality. The fact that Molly keeps the majority of these thoughts to herself shows that she is conscientious of the people around her. Kline also uses techniques similar to the ones mentioned above to reveal vital information about Vivian. For example, right before …show more content…

Throughout her life, Vivian suffered through many traumatic events such as the death of her parents and being raped by Mr. Grote. These events took a firm hold of her life and alienated her from the world around her. For example, after revealing to Molly that she gave away her infant daughter, Vivian says that because of all of the horrible things that happened to her in her life, she didn’t think that she deserved to be loved. This shows evidence that the trauma Vivian has sustained caused her to develop self-esteem issues. Another example of how traumatic events can shape lives is found when Vivian says that if her parents hadn’t died and she hadn’t been relocated until she lived with the Neilsons, she never would’ve met Dutchy

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