
Quotes From Redeploy By Phil Klay

Decent Essays

In the story “Redeployment by Phil Klay, the narrator was deployed in Iraq for a period of 7 months, during the deployment, he sees many dark stuffs and done many. As result of these events, the narrator is impacted in many ways. The experience of war transforms his views on a normal social life in america, therefore makes his readaptation to society challenging. The story begins with the narrator stating “ We shot dogs. Not by accident. We did it on purpose, and we called it Operation Scooby. I’m a dog person, so I thought about that a lot”. According the quote, the author is a dog person probably owns one (yes later revealed on the story) he loves dogs, thus shooting them to death on purpose is going to have some negative effects on him. The shooting makes him feel bad and he does not want to do it but has to. This quote shows just one aspect of war on soldier. Meaning that in war a lot of unconscious stuffs are done by soldiers. The quote also foreshadowing what might happen to the author's dog. …show more content…

Because fuck all this”. Based on the quote, the author does not feel the same way he used to about the society and life like he used too before he goes off to Iraq ( even though he does not mention anything about life before going to iraq, the thought that he wanted to come back home implies that). He does not find any purpose in life in this society any more, he rather go back in iraq. The past seven months in war has transformed him so much that he does not enjoy normal society

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