
Race And Religion : America 's Foundation

Decent Essays

America is considered to be one of the most tolerant and diverse countries in the world compared to others. However, Americans as individuals, are highly intolerant of each other’s beliefs and racial background. We are all not as accepting of each other as we claim to be. Race and religion are amongst a plethora of examples on how diversity in America can be intolerable.
America’s foundation in a sense was founded on racism. Although we live in a much more different, accepting time, it wasn’t too long ago that there was segregation and extreme racism in our society. We as a society have now since evolved and are now more tolerable and diverse then what we once were. However, there still are cases in America that show just how far we still need to develop our tolerance.
A prime example that racism is very much alive in America, is the fatal shooting of an unarmed African-American teen by the hands of an armed white police officer. On August 9th, 2014 in Ferguson, Missouri, Mike Brown was fatally shot by Darren Wilson, a white police officer. The disputed circumstances of the shooting and the countless riots and civil unrest had received attention all over the United States. Mike Brown was only eighteen at the time, and was shot unarmed, six times by the officer. This event and countless others show that there are still severe cases of active racism in America.
The majority of minorities are subject to racial profiling and hate crimes. Racial profiling is when race is the

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