
Racial Changes In To Kill A Mockingbird

Satisfactory Essays

Racial prejudice behavior towards others has been exercised throughout history for a long time. The well known novel To Kill A Mockingbird, written by Harper Lee, exemplifies the racism seen in the 1930’s. The racism seen in this time period refers to mainly African Americans. Racism seen then and racism seen in present day has changed greatly. Although racism still exists today, it takes it’s place in different forms and even “behind the scenes.” Referring back to the book, at the time people only criticized blacks. Now in 2016 racism exists everywhere and people of all races are discriminated. Some may say that the racism level has grown and some may say that it’s decreased. Whatever one’s opinion is, racism is still among us. In a way, racism has expanded and decreased in the last ten years. Although it has become a less normal thing it also has expanded to other people of color. While reading To Kill A Mockingbird one may notice how one of the main ways to discriminate someone is through word of mouth. Even children participated in these acts of discrimination as seen in the book. One main difference seen from these two time periods is how the racist comments said in public have been toned down. The curse word “Ni***r” has …show more content…

In these times black lives didn’t matter to anyone. They worked as slaves and were literally owned by others. Today none of that even exists. People are supposed to be treated equally, although not everyone is. As stated earlier, racism still exists “behind the scenes.” This shows how racism may not be accepted by our culture, but is still talked about behind others backs. People are racist and that's how it will always be. Whether you are black, white, hispanic, asian, etc. discrimination will always exist. It exists in a lower level, but it’s still here. This is just another example of how the world is always

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