
Racial Discrimination And Its Effects On People And Society

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Racial discrimination has many effects on people and the society, and these effects are mostly negative. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee, the author, demonstrates racial discrimination and its effects through Tom Robinson 's case. Tom Robinson is accused of raping and beating Mayella, and Atticus Finch is the man who steps up to defend this innocent man in the town of Maycomb, where everyone was decided from racial prejudice. In the three following sources, "Montgomery Boycott," White People Are Fine With Laws That Harm Blacks," and also "Letter from Birmingham Jail," they all discuss the effects of racial discrimination and how they were affected by it. Racial discrimination has many effects on people and the society such as racial prejudice, discrimination and injustice towards the colored, and racial discrimination also affect the social morals and the norms of the society. One effect of racial discrimination that is demonstrated through To Kill a Mockingbird and "White People Are Fine With Laws That Harm Blacks," is that racial discrimination affect the social norms and the morals of a society. Racial discrimination affects the social norms and morals of a society by making the idea of helping black people something that is unacceptable, and these social norms also make black people the criminal even though they are not guilty, and in the society, black people are not seen as equal, and that the

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