
Racism And Jealousy In Shakespeare's Othello

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I can personally relate to the Shakespeare play Othello because of the many themes. These include of racism lack of trust and jealousy. I have experienced and observed these themes through my life.
The racial aspect of Othello is what makes the play relevant to a modern audience. Race is a dominant theme is Othello because Othello is victimised as a black man, highlighting that due to race he is an outcast. Iago’s strong hatred of Othello is not rational. Today individuals are affected by image and superficial things like what we look like. An example of this I have observed in my life was when indigenous AFL player Adam Goodes was called an “ape” by a 13 year old girl while he was just doing his job playing football.
The play also covers the theme of lack of trust between Iago, Cassio, Othello and Desdemona. Desdemona betrays Othello which betrayal is something I have seen in my life. Othello and Iago are both from lower ranks and worked up together that’s why Othello trusts him. "I can personally relate to this because in my life people …show more content…

Jealousy is what drives Othello to kill Desdemona. Othello claims to be a man who "loved not wisely, but too well; of one not easily jealous..."(V.ii.347). I can relate to this them because through my life I have experienced jealousy. To start with Othello does not show any signs of jealousy and is fully aware of Desdemona's friendship with Cassio and is not concerned. Othello knows that Desdemona "had eyes and chose me" (III.iii.189) until Iago starts his manipulative scheming. Iago has everyone fooled, his own jealousy is the motivation for his destruction of Othello “I do suspect the lusty Moor." Othello gives him no cause to suspect him but Iago will get his revenge “wife for wife" (II.i.303). “Like Iago's jealousy, consumes his life and the life of all around him. (V.ii.285) I can relate to this them because through my life I have experienced

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