
Racism By Martin Luther King: Social Problems

Good Essays

Madison Chambers
Social Problems
Leah D. King, M.A.
30 April 2018


Our society has many different people all with different beliefs, customs and views. All humans are molded and shaped differently, even during a mother’s pregnancy. Everyone is raised and taught differently. A person may have their own personality, but personality is affected by how they are raised and the environment they grew up in. As people grow up, they develop a way of thinking and in their adult life they will use that way of thinking to think either politically or morally. As everyone has different views and attitudes they do not always get along. “Social problems are described most simply as perplexing questions about human societies proposed for solution” (Social …show more content…

was one of the most influential man in changing people’s view on blacks and white in America. His goal was to have freedom in all of America. King argued that not just because they are men but because they are Americans blacks have the right to claim their heritage. King believed that just as any white man or woman, blacks deserved freedom as written in the Declaration of Independence. He worked diligently gathering people to help stop the racism that exist in the world. King sought to change the world and thought what better place to start then at home. He gave as many speeches he could about racism and discrimination. One thing King believed in was himself, American people and God, because of that he had a very strong powerful way of informing you on racial injustice. King believed without a doubt that God would end the racial injustice. What little freedom he had he put it all on the line along with his life because he knew he could be a voice for black Americans. It has been said that his faith in God is what carried him the whole time, through every speech and every petition. The famous speech, I Have a Dream,” by Mr. King is still taught in school and is still recognized

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