
Racism Effects Of Racism

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People like to call America the land of the free which is ironic given that as a country it has the largest percentage of incarcerated citizens; this in itself is already a significant problem and is indicative of deep and pernicious influences that are warping American society. the severity of this problem notwithstanding, the blatant racial inequality in the incarceration rates between white and black individuals is heinous crime -- on par with if not more deplorable than slavery itself. In particular young black men seem particularly vulnerable to this disparity. In contrast to the challenges of investigating and understanding this issue, given its complexity and how deeply it is interwoven in our society, the motivation for this research is easy to understand. This inequality is harmful. It is harmful to the ones who get imprisoned, it is harmful to the communities they leave behind, and it is harmful to our nation as a whole due to the deep rifts it creates between fellow citizens. Ultimately this paper was written to shed light upon the continuing institutional racism against the black community that leads to serious health concerns; as well as expose the mechanisms that drive it, in the hope of contributing to creating a nation truly free of the legacies of slavery.

While the incarceration disparity definitely affects everyone in the black community research shows that black men aged 15-34 of low socioeconomic status and little education are disproportionately

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