
Racism In Avenue Q

Decent Essays

Throughout history and into modern day in the world, race focused issues have arisen frequently. For example, racism towards african americans has been a critical issue in American with events like slavery and the civil war. Many privileged white americans, who at the time of slavery were the prosecutors, would argue all of those issues are events of the past, and that they have been overcome, but many black citizens in today's society would argue that racism still occurs in 2017, and that they are not treated equally in any way. “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist”, from the play Avenue Q, deals with racism and the idea that racial remarks and jokes are taken too seriously. It is a profoundly controversial song, and can be viewed in vastly different …show more content…

From a white person's perspective, they may believe that racist jokes are taken too seriously, but by a black person, it may be viewed as truly condescending, yet when either race targets different races, it is not all that offensive.
The perspective of the typical privileged white american is very different from that of a black american. Since “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist” deals with such a risky topic, it is very controversial and can be viewed by every individual in a different way, but overall can be viewed as more offensive to a black person than a white person. The main idea on the song is to illustrate the theory that racist jokes are taken too seriously. From the viewpoint of a white individual, they would most likely find this song as a form of comedy and agree that racist remarks are taken seriously. Due to the history of white people in america, they have not truly experienced what it feels like to be undermined, mistreated, and used …show more content…

As mentioned earlier, the “Black Lives Matter” movement is a perfect example of the belief that black people still do not have the freedom they deserve. Because of this, remarks in “Everyone’s a Little Bit Racist”, can come of as belittling, and downright inconsiderate due to everything that african americans have overcome. Compared to white people, the race of black people as a whole, have had to overcome so many more horrific events, and have so much more to stand up for and prove to the world. Since the history is so controversial, it is easy for the racist jokes to be taken seriously due to how serious and how many lives were abused and lost due to the ghosts of black americans past. In the song, character Gary Coleman is offended that another character makes a black joke, and insists he does not make black jokes, but then admits to making jokes regarding other races. This demonstrates that even though people find remarks very offensive to their own race, they do not take that into consideration when they are racist too. From this, it can be interpreted that even black people, who have a right, backed up by history, can be ignorant and make racist comments too against other

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