
Railroad Permantely Essay

Satisfactory Essays

The Railroad permantely impacted the workforce by promoting oppurtinies throughout the settlers and African Americans.
African Americans took the opputinies and started working jobs such as: cooks, brakemen and maintaning the tracks. They avoided jobs in the field of agriculture due to the horrors they had once endured during the slavery era. These oppurtines gave the African American communtiy a new life and the choice of working jobs that they have been intersted in pursing.
i. By providing workforce oppurtines the African Americans where able to be payed and work jobs of their choice. The oppurtines allowed a process of decison making and provided education and resoucres. The nation was able to see change in the enviroment in the workforce mostly because the jobs where mostly done by African Americans. …show more content…

Agriculture started to become a primary resources in both the East and West, which led to the price of foods and materials to rise. For example the lumber supply had rose because the suppiles was needed to build railroads. The railroad was crucial for some towns because they could not grow the resoruce. Jobs became a popular because the demand of the product rose which led to companies needing more workers.
i. The impact of the high demand of product resulted in oppuritities. Immigrants entering the United States from Ellis Island or Angel Island began using the transcontintnal railroad as a form of transport and as a option to recive a job. The railroad made jobs for the people such as building tracks, engines, brakemen and other. By promoting job and transporotation the railroad helped the economy grow and the United States as a whole.
c. Life for farmers, ranchers became easier due to the railroad. They where able to sell their products and transport their products easier and safer. Also their land became rich because settlers wanted the soil that would help them create their own

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