
Rainsford Glorious Quotes

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In “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell, Sanger Rainsford is shown as, cunning, serious, and determined. Rainsford is shown to be serious in the story when he speaks to Zaroff about hunting. “Hunting? Good God, General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder.” (Connell 70). This quote shows that Rainsford is serious because during this part, he is indicating that he feels strongly about what Zaroff is doing, and responds in a very dramatic and serious manner. During the story, Rainsford is also cunning. He shows that he is cunning when he builds traps to hinder Zaroff. (After making his way into Zaroff’s bedroom) “I am still a beast at bay. Get ready, General Zaroff.” (Connell 80). Rainsford shows that he is cunning during this scene because he has successfully snuck into Zaroff’s bedroom without being detected. He then says a witty phrase that justifies the fact that he essentially murdered Zaroff. Lastly, Rainsford is also determined in the story. He is determined when he is running from Zaroff; clinging desperately to life and his own sanity. “I will not lose my nerve. I will not.” (Connell 76). This part shows that Rainsford is determined because he shows that he is capable of keeping his sanity, and has impressive willpower. …show more content…

Sanger Rainsford is cunning, serious, and determined in the story “The Most Dangerous Game” because he is capable of successfully defeating Zaroff, despite the fact that his enemy seems to be holding all the

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