
Rainsford Quotes

Decent Essays

The Most Dangerous Game Quotation Analysis

The quote " Character is what you are in the dark." by Dwight Lyman Moody can have several different interpretations. The interpretation that makes the most sense with this quote is a person's true character comes out when they are alone. This interpretation and quote dose not apply to Rainsford in the story "The Most Dangerous Game" - Richard Connell. In the short "The Most Dangerous Game" written by Richard Connell the main character ,Rainsford, uses his courage, hunting skills, and determination to survive.

One reason that the quotation disagrees with Rainsford is because he uses his courage to stand up to the General by not changing his mind knowing he can get killed. Rainsford did this by stating, “Hunting? General Zaroff, what you speak of is murder." Clearly Rainsford is not afraid to point out to General Zaroff that what he is doing is wrong. The next day Rainsford said to the general," No general I will not hunt." The General responded by telling Rainsford that he will be hunted then. After this happened Rainsford still did not change his mind on hunting humans. This shows …show more content…

For example, in the story ,Rainsford friend, Whitney states," You've got good eyes and I've seen you pick off a moose moving in the brown fall bush at four hundred yards." This proves that Rainsford is a good hunter when he is with someone. The story also shows that Rainsford has a good hunting skills when he is alone. For instance, the general states," Rainsford if you are within the sound of my voice , as I suppose you are, let me congratulate you, Not many men know how to make a Malay Mancatcher." Rainsford was able to make a trap for the general because of his hunting skills. In addition, this proves that Rainsford has great hunting skills whether he is alone or with

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