
Rape And Isolation Research Paper

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The connection of rape and isolation On Saturday, February 23, 2008 innocence from a child who was eight years old would be stripped along with her clothes. Unware of how a friend’s sleepover turned to a nightmare, but fearful of blame being placed onto her. That girl was myself and a secret that wouldn’t be shared for years. The lack of humanity towards rape victims has caused self-inflicted isolation. This fear of shame that is present all over the globe has allowed perpetrators to walk free. This physiological torture of being held responsible for an activity that was never a choice will cause silence. As a result, accountability of the offender’s action will be unnoticed since information was withheld or seen as acceptable by society. …show more content…

Consequently, the gender barrier occurring today makes it difficult for men to be supported in the same capacity as women. In other words, less support for male victims often leaves them struggling alone with trauma resulting in post-traumatic stress disorder. Frequently, male victims will be meet with skepticism or outright disbelief from friends and family. On the negative side, only “five to ten percent of male rape will be reported” and disclose how they felt about feeling no support and lack of understanding towards them. (Kenneth) For this reason, many men face emotional isolation due to the fact it can act as a defense mechanism to avoid distress within themselves. On the one hand, there are still male services that offer individual help such as a group known as the survivors Manchester. On the other hand, there are only “twenty services worldwide” specializing in ways to assist males. (Adam) Furthermore, men will face a lack of trust towards people who are close to them such as partner or parent in an effort to hide the truth. However, this can be extremely dangerous as the battle of isolation is capable of causing “thoughts of suicide and self-blaming” (Taylor) A point often overlooked in male rape victims is how they were raised to handle certain situations and while they appear normal, it can be a huge blow to their …show more content…

Shockingly, officers initially interviewed Georgia (not real name) who had reported a crime that would be recorded as a rape but within a twenty-four-hour time period, they had changed their mind and choose that no crime had occurred and the perpetrator was found as not guilty. These “decisions have accounted to a total of forty-nine percent” of rape cases reported to officials solely based on lack of evidence. (Bates) In general, the legal forms have focused on consent rather than exploitation of the victim causing the misunderstanding of consent. As a matter of fact, rape can occur anywhere such as rural areas and even cities. The saying of “something there that doesn’t love a wall” is meant to emphasis that nature dislikes walls such as rape victims do not like barriers between justice. (Frost) Moreover, it illustrates to the reader how blinding unexamined beliefs can be, such as the capacity of police hence issues arise. Comparatively, the officials are the walls while the rape victims are the something there yet they both have varying beliefs. Instead of focusing on the crime that occurred, they look into three major aspects which is consent, corroboration, and

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